Friday, September 18, 2009

Catching Up!

I can't believe it's almost October already! Realized I hadn't posted anything all summer...

We had a nice quiet summer, nothing really happened. Rhianna got caught up with all of her specialist appointments since we finally had health insurance and was deemed healthy and growing like a weed. All systems are a go for her Urology adventures this Fall. Isabela spent most of the summer reading - imagine that! And Nick moved back in after graduating from college. Andrew is still training with the Army and having a great time.

School started mid-August with Isabela in 8th grade and Rhianna in 6th. They are both at the same school this year and that seems to be a blessing for my schedule (one drop off and one pick up) but the girls can't decide. Isabela is definitely "Mother Henning" Rhianna. As a matter of fact I can hear the daily fight from upstairs right now. It's usually something about Rhianna needing help/assistance with something small and Isabela over helping. Well, at least she's trying to help...

Both girls seem to like their teachers and classmates this year. Rhianna has had some huge adjustments entering middle school; changing classes, gym everyday, lockers, etc. We are in our 5th week of school and I think she's finally getting the hang of it. The school is making adjustments too; understanding her Latex and Nut allergies, her need for more time to do almost everything, transportation issues, her lack of organization skills and having to go to the nurse twice a day for cathing. My compliments to this school, the staff and administration! They have made the transition from elementary school to middle school very easy and are willing to go that extra mile! Wayne and I are very happy with their efforts and willingness so far.

Progress reports came out yesterday and both girls are doing very well. It's a little frustrating to watch Isabela pick a class and not like it or the teacher. She has all A's except for her Literature class and that's a D-. If you know Isabela at all you understand the frustration...

Nick is still job hunting and working on his portfolio when not bugging me. You can tell he's bored without his sisters home to pick on. The consequences are that I have gotten some furniture rearranged, walls painted and the grass mowed on a regular basis. Not such a bad deal when I look at it that way. I feel bad for him and this year's college grads. Not an easy task to find a job right now. Nick is open to working almost anywhere just to have an income. So if anybody hears of anything available in Northern Illinois or Southern Wisconsin let us know!

We haven't had the chance to hear from Andrew recently. I know he's busy with all kinds of training and learning. Last I heard he was at Fort Riley again but that seems to change at a moments notice. The last time we spoke he was getting his transportation licenses (you should see some of the trucks and rigs he can operate) and finishing training for heading overseas. I wish he wouldn't go oversees but I know that's the Momma in me and that he is thriving and successful in the Army.

Wayne and I have just floated along with the kids for the last few months. I've been working on redecorating a lot of the house and rearranging rooms of furniture. I know the trash men hate me as I have been purging tons lately. We now have our pond in the back yard finished and I will be making some landscaping changes in the Spring. It has been very nice sitting on the patio and hearing the water trickle and watching the wildlife. We discovered that Sara (4yo golden retriever mix) loves fishing and more so catching frogs. I don't appreciate it but her hunting seems to captivate her for hours. We also have finally set up our 125 gallon tank in the living room and it seems to be flourishing with 9 Cichlids we received from a fellow Freecycler. It's been nice to have some of these projects completed and enjoy having a home to just "be" in and not chaos from a project everywhere.

Well, as Fall has started we have added soccer games, band and choir concerts and more to the schedule. These tough economic times have had our lives changed and molded back into a more simpler style, something that I think was needed regardless of our financial status. We have new goals for the next few months and next year that are leading us in a very different direction. A family that is growing and changing with that growth. A hard thing to do. Next post I will add pictures and be less wordy, I promise. Hope you are enjoying your Fall and the changing of the seasons! Take care!

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