Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

Well folks believe it or not I didn't take any pictures of the fireworks the holiday weekend. Forgot the camera as we headed to the beach and didn't turn around for it - the whole two blocks away from the house that we were. :) A huge step for me!

We did have a visitor for the weekend. Wayne's friend , Mark, came to visit from good ole KC. He came in on Thursday and stayed till Sunday. Mark and Wayne headed into Chicago on Friday to walk around the Field Museum and tour the Taste of Chicago. Both Wayne and Mark were very disappointed with The Taste. I tried to warn them that it was a typical festival of overpriced food and lots of cranky people but noooooo they wanted to experience it. And thus they did and won't again. They can now honestly say they've done it. One thing scratched off the bucket list...

Wayne and Mark checking out the house next door to Frank Lloyd Wright's home.

Later Friday evening after grilling some hamburgers we headed to the beach for the fireworks. Wauconda's display was really great this year. We expected a lot less due to the economic times but got a whole lot more. Thanks Wauconda Parks Dept for the great show! I'm telling you it's a really nice set up to have a private beach as part of your homes association and be able to celebrate the 4th of July in a quiet style with a picnic, beer and fireworks. If you want to join us next year just give us a holler!

On Saturday we took a Sunday drive around the "suburbs" of Chicago. We toured some lovely older homes by Lake Michigan in the Lake Forest, Highland Park and Winnetka areas. We then headed to Oak Park to visit the Frank Lloyd Wright homes. I love this neighborhood! I love Frank Lloyd Wright! So of course, even in the rain, I stopped and took some pictures. Here are some of my favorites...

The side of the house. You can see the two human figure statues above the Stork columns.

One of two statues at the side of the house

The storks

Stork columns

Wayne and Mark walking to the front of the house

The front of the home
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July - a safe one too. We enjoyed the company, food and comfortable weather. Mark couldn't get over how chilly it was. He didn't miss the hot KC weather. We don't either! Still can't believe we are knee deep into July and the average temps this summer have been in the mid-70's. Can't beat that! Enjoy your summer wherever you may be and how ever much of it you have left. School starts in 39 days and counting...

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